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建基(台湾)显示卡(Aopen Graphics card)

  The main purpose of our website is to provide an interface for people to see the classic computer hardware in the past, but also to admire the technology and remember the good old days when we lost. Welcome your arrival!

Kane's Card      藏品属地(card location):广东深圳(Shenzhen, China)

Aeolus 6800GT





   建碁股份有限公司(AOpen Inc.)成立于1996年,于2000年股票上市。曾经把真空管做到主板上,做工用料都很出色,超频能力也不错。其在计算机机箱,DVD光驱,小型化系统等有很高的成就,曾推出世界上第一台可折叠的计算机机箱,领先业界的首部十倍速DVD-ROM光驱和首款8X DVD Dual刻录机。    

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